Miss Benson’s Beetle

Author: Rachel Joyce

 Publisher: Penguin Books Australia

Year of release: 2020

Genre: Modern & Contemporary Fiction, General Fiction

Release Date: July 21st, 2020

Rating 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Trigger warning Animal abuse


Margery Benson’s life ended the day her father walked out of his study and never came back. Forty years later, abandoning a dull job, she advertises for an assistant. The successful candidate is to accompany Margery on an expedition to the other side of the world to search for a beetle that may or may not exist. Enid Pretty is not who she had in mind. But together they will find themselves drawn into an adventure that exceeds all Margery’s expectations, eventually finding new life at the top of a red mountain.


In 1914 a ten year old Margery Benson has a keen interest in beetles, one day her father shows her an encyclopedia on animals Incredible Creatures. It’s inside this book where Margery first sets eyes on the Golden Beetle of New Caledonia, from this moment on Margery knows that one day she will be the first to capture and document the golden beetle for the Natural History Museum.

 Decades pass and now in her 40’s Margery’s life takes a few unexpected turns and the dream she has to become an entomologist must be placed on the shelf to collect dust. Margery becomes a teacher a job she does for 20 years; not because she wanted to teach but it was the best offer for her at the time.

 One day she becomes tied of being made the bud of every joke from students and teacher’s alike, Marge takes her life in own hands and steals a set of hiking boots. It’s from here on out Miss Margery Benson makes up her own rules rather then always following the rule book. Living dangerously doesn’t come easy to Margery, she feels the constant need to look over her shoulder thus allowing her to suspect everyone she crosses paths with is looking down upon her.

With the stolen boots on her feet and British law enforcement surly on her tail she decides that it’s now or never, this is the time to travel the 16,384 kilometres From London England to Noumea, New Caledonia. Now she must find an assistant and the adventure to find the golden beetle can begin.

The advertisement is answered but none that responded to the call are suitable, getting rather desperate Margery must choose one. Miss Enid Pretty who appears to Margery to be illiterate or perhaps even stupid based upon the letters she has received from the women, a women we discover has an agenda all her own, the unlikely duo set off in search of the elusive New Caledonia Golden Beetle. Can the pair find what they are searching for? The beetle however is not the only one being hunted.

Miss Benson’s Beetle has wonderful characters; at it’s helm Margery and Enid are at the top of my most memorable characters list of 2020, they were perfectly placed inside Joyce’s universe in this reviewer’s opinion. Some might say that the book was overly descriptive but that made New Caledonia and its mountain come to life.

Enid was a much-needed ray of sunshine in Margery’s life and vice versa. Not only does Enid have a bright and bubbly personality her clothing and positive outlook on whatever life throws at you make Enid the most favourable character in this story.

Given the time period and the plot I must admit I was expecting there would have been more of a male presence in these pages and that would be perfectly fine but another book that highlights a heroin’s skill and in the case of Miss Benson’s Beetle gumption is always welcome in my opinion.

Rachel Joyce has penned a delightful original story, that promises adventure and delivers twists and turns that as the reader I didn’t see coming. As much as this story is about searching for a beetle which may or may not even exist I cheered when along the way I found myself eagerly watching Margery Benson come out of her-self imposed cocoon. Not only allowing her the ability to discover her own self-worth, strengths and dreams but allowing her to see the world and others who inhabit it aren’t always unkind. The friendship that blossoms between Enid and Margery was magical to be part of as a reader, this particular detail making it a five-star rating.

“Enid had been right. She had been right all along. Margery’s adventure was not about making her mark on the world: it was about letting the world make its mark on her.” -Rachel Joyce Miss Benson’s Beetle

 Having reached the end of those pages that had me laughing out loud in parts, on the edge of my seat in others and reaching for a tissue at times I must admit I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact not all of my questions about certain characters were answered, and I am unable to make up my own conclusion. I will openly admit I am wondering if there could be a sequel, but I don’t hold out much hope. Anyone looking for a descriptive read with strong female presence should look no further. With continued thanks to Penguin Books Australia for sending a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.