Author: Robyn Harding
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Genre: Crime, Fiction
Year of release: 2020
Release date: 8th July 2020
Low Morrison is not your average teen. You could blame her hippie parents or her dreary, isolated island hometown. Whatever the reason, Low just doesn’t fit in – and neither does newcomer Freya, an ethereal beauty and once-famous social media influencer. After signing up for Freya’s pottery class, Low quickly falls under her spell. Buoyed by Low’s adoration, Freya is compelled to share her darkest secrets and deepest desires. Finally, Low feels a sense of belonging … until Jamie walks through the studio door. Freya, Jamie and their husbands become fast friends, leaving Low alone once again. Then one night, after a boozy dinner party, Freya suggests swapping partners. It should have been a harmless fling between consenting adults, but instead, it upends their lives. And provides Low with the perfect opportunity to unleash her growing resentment.
Seventeen-year-old Low Morrison doesn’t hang out with kids at the mall after school, she doesn’t have a boyfriend that occupies her every waking thought, this could be because her parents are hippie’s as well as being polyamorous, this lifestyle doesn’t exactly make you the most popular girl in school, rather the opposite. The other obstacle is that Low Morrison lives on the isolated island of Hawking, located on the Pacific Northwest of America, which doesn’t lend it s self to entertainment galore rather a longing to relocate.
Things begin to look up when in her final weeks of school Low comes across a flyer advertising a pottery class held by a once-famous social media influencer, Low is immediately drawn into Freya Lights’ orbit and becomes infatuated with the older women and her lifestyle. Freya also begins to feel sustained by the young women’s admiration and begins to let Low into her world divulging her darkest secrets and deepest ambitions. Low couldn’t be happier as she finally has a friend of her own, she finally belongs somewhere until Jamie Vincent arrives at the house the pair form a strong friendship that includes Freya’s husband Max and Jamie’s husband Brian.
The foursome friendship leaves Low Morrison alone on the outside looking in, there’s no way Low can go on without Freya Light in her life; Jamie Vincent must go.
Freya suggests Brian and Jamie come over for a night of fun, with things well under way Freya suggests swapping partners it should have been harmless fling between consenting adults, but it ends up disrupting all of their lives.
One night of fun,
One deadly outcome!
Fast paced and suspenseful right from the very first page which you can’t put down right until the very last sentence, making it a five-star read.
When it comes to the characters I connected most with Jamie as she was so down to earth and relatable, the want to be a mother, especially the emotions surrounding the want for a child. As the story progressed, I found myself loathing Freya, her continued need she had to be the centre of attention, and her life envied by strangers had me wanting to expose her toxic behaviour.
This reader would’ve liked Brian to have more of a back story and a bit more of a personality, he ended up being a fill in character for me, whilst I understand Max’s need to be in this story, but he too just seemed to fill space. At no time does The Swap giveaway any detail to early, having finished this read this was what makes me consider it a page turner. The fluent writing makes the story flow effortlessly where it could’ve just as easily come to a standstill.
“Monogamy is completely unrealistic for some people. I should know. I’m married to a professional athlete who’s hot as fuck.”- Freya The Swap
Low was my love to hate character here, I so desperately wanted to support her in the beginning chapters however as the book accelerates, I just wanted to get her some much-needed help.
Whilst the ending is original, I needed so much more, perhaps in the way of an Epilogue that takes place years later. I needed a clearer picture of what happened to these people I invested in, these people’s lives it would have been a nice reward in my personal opinion.
Anyone who loves a suspenseful read you can devour quite quickly no further then The Swap highly recommend for a mature audience and any Robyn Harding fan should look no further.