Author: Imran Mahmood
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Year of release: 2021
Release Date: July 2nd, 2021
Xander Shute – once a wealthy banker, now living on the streets – shelters for the night in an empty Mayfair flat. When he hears the occupants returning home, he scrambles to hide. Trapped in his hiding place, he hears the couple argue, and he soon finds himself witnessing a vicious murder.
But who was the dead woman, who the police later tell him can’t have been there? And why is the man Xander saw her with evading justice? As Xander searches for answers, his memory of the crime comes under scrutiny, forcing him to confront his long- Buried past and the stories he’s told about himself.
How much he is willing to risk understanding the truth?
Xander Shute needs to find shelter from the elements as London’s long winter nights take hold; if only for one night. His search is successful coming across an empty flat in Mayfair, he isn’t alone for long when the occupants return. Knowing he cannot explain why he is trespassing he takes up a hiding place just until he can come up with a better idea.
Shortly after they arrive home discussions between the pair become heated and soon temper erupts, Xander knows he must act to help the young woman, but he finds himself trapped in his hiding place unable to move, and the consequence Xander finds himself the only eyewitness to a murder.
The next morning Xander makes his way to the local police station to tell them what he saw even if it means confessing to his own crime of Trespass and continued personal guilt that he failed to act to defend the woman.
The police take a statement and carry out their investigations only to ask Xander a few questions of their own, Xander is confused why aren’t they taking his statement more seriously, when a woman’s life has been extinguished? He told them the truth! He gave them the perpetrator, why aren’t they doing more? If they will not help these women receive justice Xander will…. But will Xander uncover more then he bargained for on his travels across London’s streets in search of the truth?
Xander Shute has had a hard life calling the streets of London home for years, he has become used to keeping people at bay unless necessary. One thing that drew me to the novel was that unlike most protagonists Xander Shute’s flaws aren’t hidden, rather the opposite and those flaws didn’t make him an unlikeable character, this reader spends most of their time amongst women writers and characters, so it made for an enjoyable change to find a male character I enjoyed 98% of the time.
I found this plotline to be strong and the original writing gripped me, pulling me in all directions just when I thought I had the conclusion all sorted the Author would throw another bit of information my way. I enjoyed this for the most part but as I neared the closing chapters I found this a little frustrating to continuously be kept guessing as well as adding more pieces to the puzzle was a touch tiresome.
The characters used to tell the story were three dimensional and I as the reader felt that a lot of time had been spent shaping them and it benefited this story majority of the way through; but I wasn’t always sold on Xander’s plight. On one hand he seemed to like the idea to remain detached from people and the conveniences of modern-day life but more often than not he would give in and would seek shelter, there is nothing wrong with seeking shelter. I understand his battle with claustrophobia; but at times this detail seemed only called upon when others required something of him, even Xander himself seemed guilty of this, understandable given past events but still. His indecisiveness on this matter seemed to see-saw the story for me.
Having finished this book, I find myself going back over some details trying to determine if they were fact or a misfired thought in Xander’s head? The logical thinker in me wanted to see more time spent on possible injures and Mental Health problems. I wondered if the story could’ve benefited from less detail leading up to the conclusion allowing a more detailed ending, this thriller is unique and will keep you guessing to the end.
I highly recommend “I Know what I Saw” to readers of the Mystery, Thriller Genres, with continued thanks to Bloomsbury Publishing for this gifted copy to read and review in exchange for my honest opinion.