The Creeper

Author: Margaret Hickey 

Publisher: Random House Australia 

Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense

Year of release: 2024

Release Date: 30/07/24

Rating 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Victim … or killer?

For the last decade, the small mountain town of Edenville in Victoria’s high country has been haunted by the horrific murders of five hikers up on Jagged Ridge. 

Also found dead near the scene was Bill ‘Creeper’ Durant, a bushland loner, expert deer-hunter, and a man with a known reputation for stalking campers . . . 

Conclusion- murder-suicide. Case closed.

But as the tenth anniversary of the massacre draws near, Detective Constable Sally White – the only officer at Edenville’s modest police station – finds herself drawn into the dark world of the notorious Durant family. 

Lex Durant, in particular, has started to publicly protest his brother’s innocence and accuse the police of persecution. 

As Sally combs the investigation to prove him wrong, it becomes all too clear that each murdered hiker had skeletons in their closet – and possible enemies in their past . . .


Edenville, a small remote town located in the mountains North East of Victoria to this day remains haunted by the tragic events that happened on the Jagged Ridge, five hikers were gruesomely murdered; the killer Bill ‘Creeper’ Durrant has a reputation around town for stalking campers, he’s also considered a loner and an expert deer-hunter there was no need to investigate this further it would only cause more pain for the grieving family and friends best for everyone involved if everyone try to move on…

The killer Bill ‘Creeper’ Durrant was also found dead but ten years later questions begin to surface when Detective Constable Sally White is asked to look over the case file it becomes obvious Sally is not the only one who has questions when it comes to Bill Durrant. With the media almost on Edenville’s doorstep can Sally answer the growing list of questions that keep nagging away at her before the anniversary weekend arrives? 

Lex the only remaining Durrant in town remains certain that his brother Bill is innocent and is prepared to speak publicly about his research as well as share his claims that the police have harassed his family for years. Can the young Detective constable prove the man wrong at the same time expose any skeletons in the closet left in this case? 

The moment I began reading this book it was clear this reader was in for an edge-of-your-seat suspenseful read, light a match and the surrounding area would explode! If Margaret Hickey writes it, I shall read it. 

The Creeper introduces Margaret Hickey’s readers to Detective Constable Sally White it should be no secret to you how much I love the Detective Sergeant Mark Ariti series so when I heard Mark was having a rest, but Margaret had a new novel in the works I was instantly intrigued for what was to come. Sally makes for a great protagonist, she may be young but don’t hold that against her she’s willing and able to speak her mind at the same time she shows she has a softer side.

Darker topics such as multiple murders, historical murders, grief and loneliness are handled with care and consideration these emotions were described often throughout this novel, so it was nice to see they weren’t treated like an afterthought. 

I appreciated most of the characters used to tell the story I felt as if I could even relate to Lex Durrant, it was nice not to have the stereotypical villain everyone hates in a book. I know there was tension and a healthy dose of misunderstanding from outsiders and some in the community for the Durant family however, it wasn’t too overbearing. 

The dual timeline technique has been put to good use bringing this story to life, the plotline jumps from the present day back ten years earlier and because of this detail I was able to feel a strong sense of grief and at times even anger for the families of the victims and even the victims themselves, I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting to have those feelings evoked in this read. 

Thanks to Margaret Hickey’s skilled writing anyone looking to read more books in this genre or even the author’s previous offerings will certainly appreciate the breadcrumbs keeping the reader engrossed in the novel, the details only add to the plotline rather than giving everything away far too early. 

There was no part of this book that suffers from underdevelopment, it is obvious from the beginning that The Creeper feels planned and meticulously critiqued which delivers a fantastic stand-alone book from the author who brought us the Detective Sergeant Mark Ariti series. 

Once you start The Creeper the air almost becomes thick with anticipation, suspense and grief the plotline keeps up a fast pace throughout thanks to the short and sharp chapters, and the brief periods where the story shifts down gears serve to add an extra layer of adrenalin. The more books I read the more I am drawn into the mystery thriller, outback noir, police procedurals and all this genre has to offer. Margaret makes her audience feel as if they’re solving the crime alongside the heroine or hero rather than being told an account of the events. I know there are many readers out there who aren’t fond of or even struggle to move past an overly descriptive writing style, however, it is my opinion that Margaret Hickey has managed to showcase descriptive writing techniques at the same time keeping the reader engaged using relatable down-to-earth language her ability to bring a location or persons alive in the mind of a reader is a definite skill. 

Subplots included in The Creeper:

  • New cop in town 
  • Dual timeline 
  • Small country town 
  • Historic murders
  • Secrets 
  • Lies 
  • Grief 
  • Lightbulb moment 
  • The big reveal
  • Dysfunctional family 
  • Talk of the town 

 Tropes include in The Creeper:  

  • Multiple Murders 
  • Historic Murders
  • Small country town 
  • Secrets  
  • Who dunnit
  • Police cover-up
  • Mistaken identity  
  • Lies 
  • Lightbulb moment 
  • The big reveal 

The ending had my heart pounding the closer I got the faster it went, if you’re looking for a sharp whodunnit with heart and jam-packed with emotion and suspense look no further than The Creeper! I found myself to be happy for the characters and satisfied with the strong conclusion and answers this book offers, hence my five-star rating.

I highly recommend this book as well as this author to a mature audience long-time readers of the Mystery Thriller genre, as well as fans of this author will no doubt be aware of The Creeper’s arrival in the book realm if you haven’t already be sure to pick up a copy if your curious about this genre or even this book it’s a great place to test the waters you won’t be disappointed. 

With continued thanks to Penguin Random House Australia and author Margaret Hickey for sending a physical copy of this book to read and review in exchange for my honest opinion.