Donating Books is a Good Thing
I have been an avid reader for as long as I can remember so when I come upon book blogging about three years ago, I was absolutely thrilled, little did I realise how quickly my collection would grow. This is a wonderful thing because it means I read more and discover more author works I never would’ve read or new genres which I find myself enjoying.
Having a bigger collection also means that once in awhile you’ll probably come across a book you didn’t love as much as you were hoping to, it even means you might start looking at every book on your shelf a little differently. Since I started reading full-time I know what I appreciate from a book and what I don’t, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with an author or the book, in fact I’ve come to see it as quite the opposite; I like it but something is missing or every so often I’ll come across a title I really don’t care for but I know just because I don’t care for it doesn’t mean someone else won’t.
A few reasons why a book may not be saved from the donate bag
- Print or text size; the smaller the text the higher the chance
- The size of the book also known as its format
But I hear you asking how can you know if you should donate it or not? Here are some things I consider before I donate the books
- Can I see myself reading other works from this Author?
- Will I ever re-read this title in the future?
- Would I recommend this title to a close friend?
- Is this a stand-alone book or is it part of a past or upcoming series?
Believe me this is worth looking into I nearly donated a title once then discovered it was part of a series, I read the other books and donated the series in the end.
- Am I still going to be able to find the book in the future If I change my mind?
This is one out of the most important questions I ask myself before I donate; as I’m sure everyone knows by now books don’t always stick around, take physical books for example when they first release they are quite large also known as A- size format- my preferred format but after a while a book might become a little smaller also known as B-size Format I personally avoid this size but think they look cute on a shelf.
- Is this book available electronically?
Believe it or not every title can be found on other platforms, this is something I will say personally disappoints me as a reader. I know electronic companies try their best, but this can be a problem for someone like me with poor eyesight.
Not everybody donates books and that’s OK I don’t donate every title that comes my way or finds it’s way into my shopping expeditions, reading is about escaping reality and I believe it would become a bore should you start to look at every title you have on your shelf as an opportunity to create space.
Read what brings you joy keep the titles that spark the magic and give wings to those someone else might love.
Do you donate books? let me know in comments.

A- size Format

Donate bag

B- size Format